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A lawyer is a dif­fi­cult pro­fes­sion: along with an excel­lent knowl­edge of jurispru­dence, he must be able to think log­i­cal­ly, and also have a good com­mand of pub­lic speak­ing, in order to con­vince lis­ten­ers that they are right. This arti­cle will tell you about some of the most famous ones.

Fedor Ple­vako

Fyo­dor Niki­forovich is known as a tal­ent­ed lawyer and bril­liant ora­tor of pre-rev­o­lu­tion­ary Rus­sia. Dur­ing his speech­es, there were so many peo­ple will­ing to lis­ten to his speech­es that there was no free space in the court­rooms. He was so famous that his sur­name became a house­hold name, denot­ing lawyers of the high­est pro­fes­sion­al­ism. The col­lec­tions of his court speech­es are still stud­ied in law schools.

His speech­es are char­ac­ter­ized by emo­tion­al dry­ness, impec­ca­ble log­ic of sub­stan­ti­a­tion of their state­ments and fre­quent ref­er­ences to the Holy Scrip­ture. He was dis­tin­guished by a quick reac­tion to the words of his oppo­nents, resource­ful­ness and wit. Ple­vako worked with clients of the most diverse social sta­tus: peas­ants, work­ers, nobles, stu­dents. The phrase with which he began most of his speech­es is well known: “Gen­tle­men, it could have been worse.”

Ple­vako was not deprived of writ­ing tal­ent and was pub­lished in var­i­ous pub­li­ca­tions under the pseu­do­nym Bog­dan Poberezh­ny. The lawyer was acquaint­ed with many great peo­ple of his time: Mikhail Vrubel, Kon­stan­tin Korovin, Vasi­ly Surikov, Fyo­dor Shalyapin, Kon­stan­tin Stanislavsky, and others.

Glo­ria Allred

Glo­ria Allred, accord­ing to many of her col­leagues, is con­sid­ered the best lawyer in Amer­i­ca. She is famous for tak­ing on many scan­dalous and con­tro­ver­sial cas­es, espe­cial­ly with regard to the strug­gle for the rights of women, vic­tims of sex­u­al vio­lence, abuse of sex­u­al minori­ties. Often rep­re­sents the inter­ests of clients fil­ing claims against the stars (Arnold Schwarzeneg­ger, Michael Jack­son, Don­ald Trump, etc.). Allred often cov­ers in the press the details of the affairs with which she works and leads a pub­lic life.

In addi­tion to advo­ca­cy, this amaz­ing woman taught at school for 6 years, and also lec­tured at the Uni­ver­si­ty of South­ern Cal­i­for­nia for sev­er­al years.

In 2008, a law firm found­ed by Glo­ria, helped legal­ize same-sex mar­riage in California.

Alan Der­shovits

Alan became the youngest pro­fes­sor of law at Har­vard, receiv­ing a degree in 28 years.

The lawyer became famous for his par­tic­i­pa­tion in the mur­der appeal cas­es, win­ning 13 out of 15 law­suits. The most noto­ri­ous among them is the tri­al against O. Jay Simp­son, an Amer­i­can foot­ball play­er, accused of the death of his wife Nicole and her friend Ron Gold­man. It was one of the first tri­als in Amer­i­ca that was broad­cast on television.

Ini­tial­ly, all the evi­dence point­ed in favor of O. Jay, but the lawyers, which includ­ed Alan, man­aged to get an acquittal.

His oth­er famous process is the case of Klaus von Bülow, who is also accused of killing his wife, heir to the mul­ti-mil­lion dol­lar cap­i­tal of his fam­i­ly. Based on this case, Alan Der­shovits wrote the book “The Turn of Fate”, which was lat­er filmed.

In one of his inter­views, the lawyer said that in his work he strict­ly adheres to the rule: not to believe what the gov­ern­ment, the press, the police, and he (the client) are say­ing about his client, since they can all lie.

Joseph jemale

This is one of the most famous lawyers in the world and the only bil­lion­aire who has earned his cap­i­tal sole­ly in legal practice.

Forbes mag­a­zine esti­mates his for­tune at approx­i­mate­ly $ 1.5 billion.

Joe became famous in 1985, win­ning in one of the most expen­sive cas­es in US his­to­ry, held between two oil com­pa­nies: Pennzoil and Tex­a­co. With the help of Joseph, Pennzoil was able to win this tri­al. Jemal’s reward was $ 335 mil­lion! After this inci­dent, the lawyer received the nick­name “king of civ­il law.” In total, he won more than two hun­dred cas­es with com­pen­sa­tion of more than $ 1 mil­lion each.

Joe Jemail is also known for his bad tem­per, emo­tion­al incon­ti­nence and hot tem­per and bad lan­guage, as well as a sharp way of con­duct­ing nego­ti­a­tions and an uncon­ven­tion­al approach to the sit­u­a­tion that allows him to win his clients.

The lawyer is also active­ly involved in char­i­ty work, in par­tic­u­lar, he reg­u­lar­ly donates sub­stan­tial amounts to the Uni­ver­si­ty of Texas, where he received an edu­ca­tion. The law fac­ul­ty was named after him.

Despite his ven­er­a­ble age (88 years), Joe con­tin­ues to be engaged in pri­vate prac­tice to this day, they say that he is not able to sit idle.

Ger­a­gos mark

This famous Amer­i­can lawyer found­ed his law firm Ger­a­gos & Ger­a­gos, which par­tic­i­pat­ed in high-pro­file cas­es, where celebri­ties appeared and won 98 cas­es out of 100!

One of the hear­ings that helped Mark suc­ceed was the tri­al of for­mer assis­tant to Bill Clin­ton, Susan McDou­gal, who was accused of fraud. Nobody believed that an acquit­tal was pos­si­ble, but the young Mark man­aged to change the court deci­sion in favor of his client.

Ger­a­gos also made a sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tion to the defense of Michael Jack­son, sus­pect­ed of molest­ing minors. In addi­tion to the famous musi­cian, a num­ber of well-known fig­ures addressed Ger­a­gos’ ser­vices: Robert Downey Jr. (he was charged with drug traf­fick­ing), Winona Ryder (sus­pect­ed of steal­ing jew­el­ry), Roger Clin­ton (dri­ving while intox­i­cat­ed), Chris Brown (he was accused of beat­ing his for­mer girls, singer Rihanna).

In addi­tion to cas­es involv­ing celebri­ties, Mark is also famous for being an Armen­ian by birth, he paid great atten­tion to the affairs of the Armen­ian dias­po­ra and became its offi­cial rep­re­sen­ta­tive in a num­ber of organizations.

Marc Ger­a­gos act­ed as a lawyer in a court hear­ing against the insur­ance com­pa­ny New York Life Insur­ance, which dealt with the pay­ment of com­pen­sa­tion to the 1.5 mil­lion Arme­ni­ans who suf­fered dur­ing the geno­cide in 1915. Mark won a bril­liant vic­to­ry: the court ordered the com­pa­ny to pay an insur­ance pre­mi­um of $ 20 million.

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